
Nakiri with a blade that measures 165 mm.
The handle is okto shaped in satine wood with a bolster in black pakka wood.
Shiro Kamo was the first blacksmiths that we introduced, it was back in 2008. Today his knives are still one of the most popular knives we sell and its easy to understand why. The looks and performance is top notch while the price is still low. Kamo san lives and works in Takefu and he is one of the founding members of TKV, Takefu Knife Village, a large factory that twenty or so blacksmith share. They do so for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, to lend a helping hand or simply for the good company of others.
This knife is hot forged by hand in VG10 steel, heat treated to 60-62 HRC. The blades are tapered and have a beautifull nickel damascus clad. The grind is very thin, and these knives cut like lasers. A really good pick up that we truly recommend.
Weight: 140 grams
Thickness mid spine: 1,8 mm
Blade height heel: 52 mm
Steel: VG10 damascus
Note: Each measurement can vary slightly. Its a hand made product.
Disclaimer: Japanese knives have thin edges with high hardness. This makes them much more fragile than traditional european knives. These blades should under no circumstances be subject to twisting, prising or cutting into hard objects. Such handling could easily cause damage to the edge, something that is not valid grounds for a warranty claim.